
Wow- I can't believe it has been over 4 months since I have looked at this. Ha. That is so typical of me. Well now we are in a new year and of course with a new year brings New Year's Resolutions. I am not certain I have ever really kept with a resolution for a full year, but this year I am going to. I have a few ideas of what it is that I will be resolving to do. 1. Keep in touch with friends better, especially the ones that don't live here in San Diego. 2. Keep in touch with JD more, make it a point to talk to him once a week. 3. Develop and maintain a budget so I can start saving money (this will be the toughest one!) 4. Add a weight training element to my workouts. 

Now I just need to come up with a plan on how I will do this!