Dresses, and Handbags and Shoes... oh my!

So the move is over, well at least all the stuff is in our new place. Everything is coming together but it is interesting how things seemed to have come out of the woodwork during this move. I guess because I had been in my last place for almost 4 years, but man, oh man do I have some clothes. In all reality I do not need to go shopping for a LONG time. I have enough shoes, dresses, and handbags to last a lifetime. It was  good reminder at how fortunate I really am, and that there is no need for me to go out and buy anything new... there's just simply no room in the new place!

Favorite Things....

Kiki was out and about today and sent me this photo... she said she found it at a store... I might need to find out exactly where and purchase it... too cute!

Torrey Pines Tuesdays

We're starting a new summer tradition of hiking Torrey Pines on Tuesdays after work (any Tuesday sans Junior League por moi). Now that the sun will be staying up later and later, there is no reason for us not to take full advantage of this beautiful place we live. All of my friends know how much I love hiking Torrey Pines; it's a quick, fun, easy hike and it takes my breath away (literally and figuratively) every time I get to the top of the hill and see the combination of cliffs, ocean, trees, sunset etc. It's just beee-eautiful! Last night it was me, Jennifer, Alexandra and Lani... oh what fun we had!

Happy Girls are the prettiest Girls!

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." -Audrey Hepburn

Spring Cleaning!

So the big move will take place this weekend, and in the middle of trying to go through clothes, furniture, etc. etc. I found a box of cards that has been under my bed for oooohhhh 3 years. Yikes! Looking through the cards from friends, family etc. allowed to take some time and reflect on how much I've grown over the past couple years, and how fortunate I am to have the wonderful people that surround me in my life. I looked through and read cards that made me smile, laugh and one (from my Grandmother) that even made me cry. Gosh I miss her! Through it all I've grown up and become a better and stronger person and I owe much of that to the people who sent me those cards. And, yes I do have a pink vacum, thank you very much!

First Day of SPRING!!!!

Today is the first day of Spring, which means so many wonderful things to me, but first and foremost it means getting to wear SHORTS... woo hoo! Can't wait for the weather to warm up, the days to last longer, and beach season to begin!

All I have to say is.... TGIF!

Ah yes, it was fun hanging out with friends last night... but there is no reason to hide that I am getting older and the school night shenanigans take a greater toll on work-day productivity at the office. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye right?!? Just kidding, today wasn't too bad... but THANK GOODNESS for the weekend!!


32 Years Ago....
A few years ago
They are such an amazing example. I hope I have what they have when I'm their age.

She's the sister I never had...

The final addition to the "Dwyer Girls" Ms. Lindsay Rhea
Growing up I always wanted a sister but I got stuck with just my brother (I can't even say that half seriously since he is my BEST FRIEND). While Lindsay and I may have had a few "sisterly quarrels" over the years, I truly feel completely blessed to have her in our family. She makes my brother happy and she does a darn good job of taking care of him, even when he's being a little pill! My favorite thing about Lindsay is that she is always doing something crafty or creative for other people. Whether it's making a "coffee coozie" or planning a bridal shower, she gives everything her all and makes it look easy. She's also a fellow Sun Devil, so it made it extra easy to love her. I can't wait for them to start having kids, because I know that Lindsay will be an amazing mother. JD and Lindsay have been married for almost 4 years and I've never been happier for them. We're so lucky to have you Linds!! Love you always & forever- Ken

Who I am...

I am somebody's granddaughter
the spitting image of my Father,
and when the day is done my Mama's still my biggest fan.
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy,
but I've got friends that love me and they know where I stand.
It's all a part of me and that's who I am.

It's almost here....!!!!

Anyone who knows me well knows that St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorite days of the year, and it is just one short week away. This year I'll be celebrating with some friends at a small bar in Mission Beach. I just love to wear my "Kiss me I'm Irish" pin and drink Guiness and not feel guilty about it. So very excited.
"She’s not the type of girl to wait by the phone, she won’t cry, she knows it’ll get her nowhere, she’ll laugh a lot and often, and she will live her own life. She would like you to be a part of it, but she will do just fine without you."

She's anything but typical... she's so unpredictable...

My brother always told me to find the guy who considers this my "theme song"... gotta love that!

She's Every Woman- Garth Brooks
She's sun and rain, she's fire and ice
A little crazy but it's nice
And when she gets mad, you best leave her alone
'Cause she'll rage just like a river
Then she'll beg you to forgive her
She's every woman that I've ever known

She's so New York and then L.A.
And every town along the way
She's every place that I've never been
She's makin love on rainy nights
She's a stroll through Christmas lights
And she's everything I want to do again

It needs no explanation
'Cause it all makes perfect sense
For when it comes down to temptation
She's on both sides of the fence

No it needs no explanation
'Cause it all makes perfect sense
When it comes down to temptation
She's on both sides of the fence

She's anything but typical
She's so unpredictable
Oh but even at her worst it ain't that bad
She's as real as real can be
And she's every fantasy
Lord she's every lover that I've ever had
And she's every lover that I've never had

"Thank you for being who you are."

A bicycle built for two...


Tonight I watched my friend Bridy's daughter Vivienne for a few hours. She is just the most precious thing ever and we had so much fun. She's probably the happiest baby I've ever met and I just can't wait to see her again soon. She was giggling and smiling until the second she zonked out.... what a perfect little girl!