We only live once...

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." -Mae West


So this morning at work my co-worker Anne (whom I have actually nicknamed Annie Pants) came into my office to chat for a bit. Our offices are right next to each other so, over the years we have become pretty close. She was born within days of my mom, so we've always felt like "kindred spirits". I find myself turning to her for career tips, relationship advice, and to gossip about fashion. She'll come to me for a quick laugh, a spoonful of Skippy, and to talk a little deeper about some of the things her parents have been going through; her mother is battling ovarian cancer and her father has become extremely ill in the past several months. She is one of the most devoted daughters I've ever met. She's constantly making sure that her parents are okay and only wants to see them both happy. I truly believe that both of them keep fighting because she gives them the strength they need to carry on.

This morning Anne wanted to talk about something that really touched me. She let me know that over the past few weeks she's been waking up and saying a quick positive mantra to start her day and she wanted me to know that it was my "positive attitude" that influenced her to start this. This is something that really means a lot to me, to know that by having a positive attitude that outwardly helps other people that surround me and encourages them to do so as well.

I look forward to many more years of working with my Annie Pants, and I know we'll have plenty more to talk about as the years pass by.

The 10 most valuable things I've learned in 2010 (so far):

1. Hard work pays off even if it takes a while.
2. A bad day should never turn into a bad week or month.
3. Nobody is better at being me than me, and I'm pretty bad at trying to be anybody but me.
4. God won't give me anything that I can't handle.
5. Doing the right thing isn't always the easiest choice.
6. Little acts of kindness can go a long way.
7. Running will always clear my mind.
8. Chivalry is not dead.
9. There's no place like home, but there can be many places that will always feel like "home."
10. The time to be happy is now.

Yes please....

Following my Passion...

Over the last several weeks I've been on what I will call a "soal-searching" mission. I'm focusing more on the things in my life that bring me happiness and that I love to do, and less on the things that make me feel down or anxious, or guilty, or lost, etc. It's been great for my mood, which has ultimately positively affected the people that surround me as well.

I was out to happy hour a few nights ago with some Junior League friends (friends that I hadn't seen in WAY too long), and we got on the subject of writing. Kathleen knows I have a passion for this and suggested that we either take a class or join a writing group together. I loved the idea and am looking into options now. I'm so excited to start getting more involved in my writing and hopefully get better at it and feel more confident about it along the way. Fabulous idea and can't wait to get started!!!

Pigs are flying...

I was thinking about how much fun we had the last time we went camping and that it would be great to plan another trip soon. I know, if only my Grandmother could here me say that! Kendra wants to go camping; the girl that has always said she's "allergic to camping."

This time I hope we can plan a "real" camping trip, where there's a creek, woods and potentially wild animals (ok, I can do without the wild animals).

Time to round up the troops, do some research and plan a fun weekend for all!


Hawaii trip is booked and I'm so excited to spend a week relaxing in one of the most beautiful places in the world, it just can't come soon enough!!!

People's kindness will always amaze me....

After two days of fundraising I'm proud to say that I am over 30% to goal for my fundraising commitment. Thanks Dad and everyone else that has already generously donated.

I am thinking that I will need to shoot higher and raise even more money for Breast Cancer research.... Time to save the TaTa's!


Thank goodness for so many friends that make me laugh...

Fight like a girl.... I'm walking 60 miles to fight Breast Cancer!

This year, I'll be participating in a very special event called the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure.

For those of you who are familiar with this event and have either done it in the past or know people that have, you know just how difficult of a task this will be. I'll walk 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men. Many of whom are cancer survivors.

Last year I had the great pleasure of supporting my mom and some friends while they walked and I learned what a truly incredible experience this is. So this year I've committed to participating because I strongly believe in finding a cure. I will raise $2,300 and walk 60 miles. I'll also be camping during this experience, yes that's right... camping! The blisters will come and go and my comfy bed will be waiting for me on Sunday night after the 60th mile, but this is surely to be an experience that will last a lifetime and hopefully will extend so many other lives as well.

Because I've agreed to raise at least $2,300 in donations, I need your help. I'm asking you to make a donation of whatever you are able to give. Even if it's the cost of your morning Starbucks I'll be grateful for it. I know times are tough for so many people right now, but every little bit helps.

You can give online at The3Day.org. Just follow the link below to visit my personal fundraising Web page and make a donation. You can also call me and I'll walk you through it (619) 300-5453.

Breast Cancer is something that has affected so many people that I know and love, and it will only continue to do so unless we fight for a cure!

I appreciate anything you can give especially moral support for the journey I'm about to embark on.

Lots of Love,

My Fundraising Page

John Mayer - Half Of My Heart Official Music Video

The Happiness Project

I just started reading this book and I'm already officially obsessed! It's a great reminder to incorporate the things in our lives that make us happy, and to get away from the things that bring us down. I'm sure over the course of the next few weeks I'll have lots to talk about as I finish this book, but today I read something that I just have to share. The author, Gretchen Rubin shares her "Secrets of Adulthood". They are all just so true so I wanted to share. Enjoy!

The Secrets of Adulthood:
People don't notice your mistakes as much as you think.
It's okay to ask for help.
Most decisions don't require extensive research.
Do good, feel good.
It's important to be nice to everyone.
Bring a sweater.
By doing a little bit each day, you can get a lot accomplished.
Soap and water remove most stains.
Turning the computer on and off a few times often fixes a glitch.
If you can't find something, clean up.
You can choose what you do; you can't choose what you like to do.
Happiness doesn't always make you feel happy.
What you do everyday matters more than what you do once in a while.
You don't have to be good at everything.
If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough.
Over-the-counter medicines are very effective.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
What's fun for other people may not be fun for you- and vice versa.
People actually prefer that you buy them wedding gifts off their registry.
You can't profoundly change your children's nature by nagging them or signing them up for classes.
No deposit, no return.

I'm a wimp!

So I'm going in to have a cyst removed on my shoulder today and I can't help but think about how much of a wimp I am.... seriously it will probably take 5 minutes and I'm nervous about it. Maybe it's because I've never really gotten hurt before (with the few exceptions of some second degree burns from various curling irons, actual irons and teacups). I'm sure everything will be just fine. Smiles!

My balance is fine, just walking on one fine wire...

I try so many times
but it's not taking me
and it seems so long ago
that I used to believe
and I'm so lost inside of my head
and crazy
but I cant get out of it
I'm just stumbling

And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire

And I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
but It's frayed at both the ends
and I'm slow unraveling

Life plays so many games inside of me
and I've had some distant cries, following
and their entwined between the night and sun beams
I wish I were free from this pain in me

And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire

And I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
but it's frayed at both the ends
and I'm slow unraveling

And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head

I'm balancing on one fine wire....

My First Love... Running

Running has always been such a huge part of my life and has helped shaped the person I am today. Whenever I have a bad day or need to work some things out I've always been able to go for a nice long run and afterwards I feel so much better. Lately, I've been a lazy runner and I know it's affected my life negatively. Besides the obvious health benefits that running brings to my body, it also helps to keep be balanced which is something I am truly striving to achieve in my life right now. 

I have so many great memories from running. I remember during pre-season for soccer practice in High School we'd have to run in the 100+ degree weather so we'd all be in just shorts and sports bras. We'd run up to a community pool that was about 3-4 miles away from our school and jump in the pool to cool off, and run back. Looking back I can only imagine what was going through people's heads when they say a pack of 10-15 soaking wet half-naked teens running through the Foothills. 

I remember the feeling when I finished my first half marathon and how cool it was to say I'd accomplished that. I remember signing up for a full marathon and having everyone tell me I was crazy for wanting to do that. I remember waking up at 5 am 5 days a week for 5 months and running over 500 miles to train for my first Marathon. But the one thing that has meant the most to me in my running career was the feeling I got when I saw my parents at mile 25 of the marathon after they flew to San Diego to surprise me, it was almost as sweet as the feeling of accomplishment I got after crossing the finish line at 26.2. 

Just like any other relationship, mine with running is something that takes constant work. I must say I've neglected my commitment to running over the past several months and I'm looking forward to bringing it back into my life. I miss the therapy sessions, memories, and feeling of pride that running has always brought to my life. It's time to put the spark back in my relationship with running.... now if you'll excuse me, it's time to put my sneakers on and hit the pavement. 

Love like crazy....

Be a best friend, tell the truth, overuse I love you
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin' knees get lazy
And love like crazy.

Ms. Natalie.... One of a kind.

Natalie and I met on St. Patrick's day 2009, and although it has always been my favorite day, it became a little sweeter by meeting her. Natalie is sweet, kind, genuine, loyal and above all FUN! Her hilarious text messages always make me laugh, and whenever you see her she's always got a smile on her face, which is so contagious that other people around her just start smiling too! Natalie and I became fast friends quickly bonding at our "Wine & Sushi Wednesdays".

I love Natalie for so many reasons including the fact that she's always up for doing something active and she'll always lend an ear when needed. But I also love the fact that she's not afraid to ask for advice, or let me know when she needs me to be there for her as a true friend. Natalie is a friend that has truly never let me down and I can only hope that I'm able to uphold the same to her.

This past St. Patrick's day we celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary as friends over Bionic "Green" Beavers and Irish Car Bombs at Guava Beach. I always have a good time with Natalie and I know that we have so many more fun memories to create. I absolutely adore her and can't wait to see what this life has in store for her.


"People think I'm disciplined. It is not discipline, it is devotion; there is a great difference." -Luciano Pavoratti

Happiest Hour with my Favorite People

Yesterday after the long drive down from SLO I went and had Happy Hour at C-level with my parents. It was so great to see them. Just reminds me how much I love them and look up to their relationship. They have been so incredibly supportive of me my entire life and I love that we are now closer than ever. I love the time I get to spend with them when they visit San Diego, now if I can just get them to move here permanently!!!! Thanks Kiki and Papa Bear for being the world's most amazing parents.
*My Mom was excited about this picture because she thinks she looks taller than me... gotta love her!

Sasha & Dylan said "I do!"

This past weekend I made the 290 mile trek (each way) to San Luis Obispo for my good friend Sasha's wedding. Sasha, a.k.a. Sushi, Sassy (as JD always called her), Sorcha, etc. and I have known each other since 6th grade. It all started in Mr. B's 6th grade Literature class and even though Sasha and I went to rival elementary schools we quickly bonded in that afternoon class.

Throughout middle school and high school we maintained a very steady and close friendship. Sasha, Kelly, Cara, Brittany, Jessica, Megahn and I were best friends. We did everything together and went through it all. Sadly at the end of High School we all went to different colleges all across the country and Sasha ended up in CalPoly SLO, ultimately leading her to Dylan who is now her husband.

Sasha and Dylan's wedding was an absolute blast for so many reasons. First of all, every single detail of it was PERFECT. From the outdoor garden ceremony, to the cocktail reception and then the dance party of all dance parties in the most adorable barn I've ever seen- everyone was smiling and happy to be there sharing Sasha and Dylan's special day.

On top of that it was seeing so many people that I've known for so long that really made it so much fun. Wesley, Wade and David B. were all there, these were they boys who grew up on my street and I've known since I was 4 or 5 years old. I got to spend some quality time with 2 of my best friends from high school, Cara and Kelly and seeing Sasha's family, especially her parents Herb and Shelly. But my favorite part of the weekend was seeing the smile on Sasha's face- it was BEAMING the whole entire time. It is clear that she was just happy to be marrying her best friend. Her and Dylan wrote their own vows, and they were individually touching and from the heart (not a dry eye in the crowd). It was heart warming to see Dylan struggle through his without tears, and then to see Sasha wipe them off his face. I know they'll make a great team and I'm so happy that one of my oldest friends found this kind of love! Congrats Sasha and Dylan!!!!

In this picture with me: David Berg, Wesley Meeker, Cara Frost, Sasha & Dylan Staack, Wade Baker and Kelly Burke-Allen