According to Kendra:

1. Be you. Nothing more, nothing less. Find the truest version of yourself and own it.

2. Before you leave the house check to see if you're wearing a "third piece." This is the item that ties your outfit together. It can be a statement necklace or other accessory that really stands out, a pop of color in a scarf or handbag, or a pair of shoes that can't be overlooked.

3. Just because someone is alone doesn't necessarily mean they are lonely.

4. Actively practice the art of gratitude. Send a thank you note in the mail if you receive a gift. Keep a gratitude journal and write in it every night before you go to bed. Be grateful while paying your monthly bills or rent, this means that someone has lent you something and trusted that you'll pay them back for it, thank them for that.

5. Manicures ARE a necessity.

6. Smile. When you're on the phone, when you walk down the street, when you're in the shower and when you see someone you love. 

7. Be nice to your assistant, they very well could be your boss someday. 

8. Nobody else is responsible for your happiness. The only person who can make you happy is you. 

9. Find a cause that is important to you and give back, as much as your time and means allow you to. 

10. Don't let your cell phone make you a rude person. Put it away at dinner and don't talk on it while you're in line for something. 

11. Set your wedding board on Pinterest to "private" until you're engaged. 

12. Spend as much time as you need to figuring out exactly how much you're worth, and once you do, never settle for anything less than what you deserve. 

13. If you've never read the Bible, give it a shot. It could change your life. 

Home Sweet Home

When I moved to San Diego in 2006 it was nothing short of a leap of faith. I just woke up one morning and thought, "I think I'll move to San Diego next month." So, I packed everything I owned into my Jetta and drove West on the 8 until it ended. I had just graduated from ASU and my reasoning behind moving had more to do with the "why not?" than the "why?" I was 22 years old at the time, so I really didn't put a lot of serious thought into anything other than my tan or trying to keep my hair blonde.

During my 8 year stint in San Diego there was most certainly a long period of time when I never thought I would move away from such a beautiful city. And while I absolutely loved living in Southern California and being a part of a new culture, that "home sweet home" feeling started to tug at me about a year ago. So, I began to put some serious thought into moving to Arizona to be closer to my family. Side note: It is most likely NOT a coincidence that my beautiful niece Grace was born almost exactly a year ago!

When the perfect opportunity presented itself for me to stay with my company AND move to Arizona, I knew it was time. Everything felt very smooth, and very right. The only hard part was saying goodbye to the absolutely amazing friends and people I had built such a wonderful life with in San Diego for almost a decade. San Diego represents a huge stage of growth for me. To me it will always be the place that I started my career, developed true and meaningful relationships with incredible people, and turned 30. To put it frankly; it's where I grew up. 

I'm certainly not saying that I have it all figured out, but I do feel that the girl who packed up her Jetta (along with a U-Haul this time around) and headed East on the 8 is a completely different person. I will always cherish the many experiences and people in San Diego that contributed to that growth. 

I've been back in Arizona for about a month now, and while there has been some uncomfortable moments during the process, I'm finally starting to feel settled again. From family dinners, to February hikes, to cursing at Snow Birds and the driest of skin; it's good to be HOME. 

Here's to yet another leap of faith in this thing we call life. Wish me luck!