Happy Happens

Off to San Francisco!

Heading to San Francisco for the weekend with my Mom and Dad. Can't wait to spend the weekend with them, and what a great surprise to do it in such a fun city. I haven't been there since I was 16 and my Dad took me there for my birthday. We went out on a date and stayed at a fancy hotel, then went shopping at the original Gap. I think we might be doing some of the same things on this trip, the only difference is this time I have 10 more years of knowledge, experience and good judgement under my belt. Oh and 10 years full of mistakes that have made me into who I am today. Here's to a great weekend ahead.

Your pain is my pain

They say if you truly love someone when they are in pain, you can feel it too.

How cute is she?

My mom went to Mt. Lemon today with her sisters and my Grandma. She sent me a couple pictures, but this one is my fave. Wish I could have gone.

Spotlight on Jennifer a.k.a. Jin

To describe Jennifer as an amazing friend is a complete understatement. This is a woman who not only works hard every single day, but looks beautiful ALL the time, has a heart of gold, is constantly thinking of others and doing nice things for them, could make anyone laugh just by the silly everyday stuff she does, and always has a smile on her face. Jennifer has an amazing quality as a woman in that she knows exactly who she is and she is proud to be that woman (with very just reason). Jennifer is constantly helping me to be a better person and I feel lucky to have her in my life. She is hands down one of the most thoughtful people I know and her positive attitude is contagious. She is an angel and thankfully whenever I need to borrow a spare set of wings she's always there to help me out. Love you Jin!

Tell them today because they may not be here tomorrow.

This is so true. I was thinking about this the other day, the importance of reminding our loved ones that we love them. Some might say three little words don't mean anything if they are said too often, but I disagree. I tell my mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law and close friends and family that I love them every single time I talk to them. There is no shame in it, it is the truth and it needs to be said. What if the one time you hang up and don't say it just so happens to be the last time you talk to them? Something happened to a friend today that definitely reiterates the importance of this idea and my heart hurts for him.
"This is how it works. I love the people in my life, and I do for my friends whatever they need me to do for them, again and again, as many times as is necessary. For example, in your case you always forgot who you are and how much you're loved. So what I do for you as your friend is remind you who you are and tell you how much I love you. And this isn't any kind of burden for me, because I love who you are very much. Every time I remind you, I get to remember with you, which is my pleasure."
— James Lecesne

“You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; in just the same way, you learn to love by loving.” -Anatole France

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. " -Bill Watterson

Melissa came down to visit from LA this weekend and we had such a wonderful time. We spent the weekend cooking, drinking wine, catching up, shopping and being with friends. It's pretty amazing how I'd rather spend a night in with a few close friends eating a fabulous meal than going out to a crowded bar with a bunch of drunks. Melissa and I made recipes from the "Cooking with Trader Joes" cookbook (which is absolutely AMAZING), walked around Cedros and had crab legs at The Fish Market yesterday, and had Lindsey, Natalie, Bree, and Shannon over for a champagne brunch this morning. Homemade fritatta, roasted basil potatoes, blueberry pie, and mimosas.... what else could make this weekend better? Going to head to the library to check out some new books and end my weekend the best way I know how... going to Mass. Looks like this is going to be a good week!

Great Expectations

Expectations vs. Reality. This has always been a tough one for me. Often times I find myself setting very high expectations for myself or other poeple and then when I (or they) fall short I can't help but be disappointed. Is there a healthy balance between what we expect from ourselves and others and what is truly possible? It would be great if there was an easy way to find this balance, but as with many other things in life- it's not easy! One scenario is that we lower our standards, and personally I don't think that is a healthy solution at all. And the other scenario would be that every person and situation we face lives up to our expectations. And even in a perfect world that would never happen. I guess it's safe to assume that with every small disappointment we learn something. These "shortfalls" teach us valuable lessons in life and guide us through future situations. By maintaining high expectations we uphold the value of not only ourselves but what we expect from other people as well. We are stretched farther than we ever though possible and with this we experience an amazing thing called "Growth".

10 Steps to Happiness (literally proven by SCIENCE)

Someone way smarter than me (a scientist) recently came up with 10 things that are proven to make people live happier and more fulfilled lives. These are all things that I live by so looks like I'm on the right track. Check out the article and your 10 surefire steps to bliss!
View Article here: http://www.yesmagazine.org/pdf/48/Happiness_Poster11x17.pdf

1. Savor "Every Day" Moments
2. Have an Attitude of Gratitude
3. Avoid Comparisons
4. Make Friends & Treasure Family
5. Take Initiative at Work
6. Put Money low on the list
7. Give, Donate, Volunteer, Help
8. Set Meaningful Goals
9. Get Out and Exercise
10. Smile even if you aren't in the mood

The things I've learned from my Dad

1. When it comes to work, if you're 15 minutes early you're on time, if you're on time you're late, and if you're 15 minutes late it's unacceptable.
2. The importance of nap-time.
3. How to sell just about anything.
4. Pay the bills on time every time.
5. That a warm chocolate chip cookie and glass of milk is the perfect way to end a day.
6. What qualities to look for in a man.
7. That life is too short not to drink good wine.
8. How to help others and not expect anything in return.
9. That my mom is the greatest woman on the planet.
10. How to parallel park really well.
11. That it never hurt anyone to order a cheese pizza for the table.
12. Fight until the end on the important stuff. As for everything else; just let it go.
13. Not to drink and drive.
14. It's not good to wear high heels on wood floors.
15. That at 6, 16, 0r 26 I'll always be his baby girl.

Thanks Papa Bear, you're the best dad in the world and I love you THISSSSSSSSSSSS much!


Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
Your job won't take care of you when you are sick; your friends and parents will: stay in touch.
You don't have to win every argument; agree to disagree.
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
Don't compare your life to others; you have no idea what their journey is all about.
Over prepare, and then go with the flow.
Be eccentric now, don't wait for old age to wear purple.
Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
What other people think of you is none of your business.
Your children only get one childhood.
If we threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
-Regina Brett, 90 years old

Rock Blocks

Suzanna Anna Rock Blocks are essentially Sid Dickens knock-offs (for lack of a better term) but they come in sets with the lyrics from some of my all time favorite songs.
A few Examples-
"How wonderful Life is while you're in the world." -Elton John
"Imagine all the people living life in Peace" -The Beatles
"What the world needs now is love, sweet love" -The Carpenters

I think these would look great in a hallway or foyer. Check them out at http://www.suzanna-anna.com/rockblocks.html

Pizza fit for a Goddess

I was in the mood for a yummy and healthy pizza so I came up with a recipe that even Athena would approve of. You can buy every ingredient from Trader Joe's and it is DEE-lish!

As the Greeks would say "Kale Orexe!" (Google told me that's their version of Bon Appétit).

Kendra's Greek Pizza:
1 Pizza Dough (regular or whole wheat will work)
1 cup Pizza or Marinara Sauce (TJ's has a good pizza sauce but I use their Marinara Sauce (in the green can) it's the best and it's very inexpensive.
1/4 tsp. Dried Basil
1/2 cup Pitted Kalamata Olives
1/4 cup Dry Toasted Pinenuts
1/4 cup Julienne Sliced Sun Dried Tomatoes
2 cup Mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup Crumbled Fat-Free Feta Cheese
1/4 cup Mushrooms
Fresh Grated Parmesan Cheese to taste

Make it just like you would any pizza and heat in the oven for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. Feel free to change up any of the ingredients, add chicken or peppers- that's the fun part, you'll never have to eat the same pizza twice! Serve with salad and wine and you've got yourself a fabulous meal with friends! The leftovers are great also!


It's raining MEN....

Well, not really... but it is RAINING in San Diego- which happens almost never! It's been raining all week, and I must say that I actually enjoy it. Aside from my hair not looking so great and people not knowing how to drive in the rain, it has been a nice change. I am about to make a yummy soup for dinner and cozy up by the fire to watch a movie. It's weather like this that allows us to appreciate the sunny & bright Southern California skies that we are so blessed to have practically every day! So today I say- "Let it pour!" Now only if good men would start falling from the sky I'd be in heaven! I wonder if there's a rain dance for that?

My home away from home

This is where I spend most of my days. It's cozy and just right. If you're gonna be stuck in an office all day, you'd wanna be stuck in mine!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Be Yourself.

While visiting Megahn in Dallas we attended Sunday morning service at the Church where her and Seth will be married. The Reverend’s sermon was interesting in that it’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. The title of the sermon was “Be Yourself”. He spoke of learning what it is you really are, and what you are really good at and honing in on those qualities rather than looking at qualities and things that other people have and attempting to be more like them. It made me think of the quote “It’s better to be a first rate version of yourself rather than a second rate version of somebody else.” It also reiterates many of the ideas in one of my favorite books of all time “The Four Agreements.” Here is a passage from the book that upholds that very same idea:

"We have to be what we are, so we don’t have to present a false image. If you love me the way I am, ”Okay take me.” If you don’t love me the way I am, “Okay, bye bye. Find someone else.” It may seem harsh but this kind of communication means the personal agreements we make with others are clear and impeccable."

This is so true. I think so many people get caught up in what others think about them that they are constantly trying to be something other than what they really are. If we have the ability to accept and love ourselves just the way that we are, we will be able to do that for others and they will be able to do that for us as well.

Adventures of Kensters & Megsters

Normally I loathe packing but I suppose it is not so bad since I am packing to go visit Megsters in Dallas! So excited to spend 4 whole days with my best friend/sister/BTB. My biggest dilemma right now is which shoes and scarves to bring. Apparently it has been really cold in Dallas- and this San Diego girl is a little nervous about that. It's a good thing I like jackets! The weekend will be full of wedding dress/MOH dress shopping, Chips & Salsa, Mambo Taxis, Mani/Pedis, Pillow Talk, Runs with Frank Dog, our silly language that only we understand, sending Seth funny late night texts, reminiscing on good times, "Megahn Moments", checking our feet twice to make sure our "love marks" are still there, listening to good music, dancing the night away, sushi, late night quesadillas and carrots, and who knows what else. It's going to be a great weekend!

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." Coco Chanel

Life is Beautiful

A very close friend of mine struggled with a serious addiction to alcohol and drugs for several years. It was one of the hardest situations I have ever been through. For almost a year we didn't speak and I would often have nightmares of attending her funeral. I received a phone call from her almost two years ago that changed both of our lives. It was in that phone call that I knew she had finally changed, she had finally gotten the help she needed. She called me on May 28th, 2008- I will always remember the date. It was the first time in almost a year that we had been in contact and she was celebrating being sober for 90 days. I had never experienced tears of joy until that day. I had never been so fully and completely relieved that she was not only alive but doing well. In speaking with her that day I knew that this time it was different. It has been almost two years for her at this point, and I can honestly say that to this day she continues to impress me and make me proud.

While spending time with Jess this last Christmas she said something as we were walking through Sabino Canyon one morning that really touched my heart. All she said was "Life is Beautiful." It was so simple, so pure, and yet so true. I am so grateful that God gives people the strength to change, and so happy that she is able to appreciate this life and see it's beauty to the fullest.

I agree with you Jess- Life is beautiful and so are you!

50 things that make me Smile.. and might make you smile too!

1. Little kids in glasses.
2. Getting a letter in the mail.
3. Waking up before the alarm goes off.
4. A wink from across the room.
5. When you realize you've achieved a goal.
6. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
8. Men in Uniform.
9. Puppy breath.
10. Walking into Mass on Sundays.
11. Anything my adorable mother does.
12. Eegee's Frech Fries... yum.
13. They way HOME always stays the same, no matter how much it changes.
14. The subjects of Megahn's e-mails.
15. Closing a big deal at work, or a small deal for that matter.
16. Hitting all the green lights on the way to work.
17. Watching the sunset or rise- I'll take either one.
18. Knowing you've done something good for another person.
19. Being DONE with a run.
20. Finding the card that's just right for the situation.
21. The minute you find out you really KNOW someone.
22. Surprises- big or small.
23. Listening to Pandora at work.
24. Getting pictures developed.
25. Laughing so hard your stomach hurts.
26. Realizing someone looks up to you.
27. Anything that comes in a little blue box.
28. Holding a baby.
29. Pay-Day! The real kind and the candy.
30. Going to the beach so often that I can't keep the sand out of my car.
31. Finding the positive side of any situation.
32. A kiss on the forehead.
33. Freshly painted nails.
34. Finishing a good book.
35. A good quote.
36. When someone exceeds your expectations of them.
37. The fact that pretty much all of my "baby" cousins are taller than me.
38. Hearing "Welcome to Tucson" over the PA system on the plane.
39. Finding money from last winter in a coat pocket.
40. Stationary.
41. Coming home from a trip to a clean house.
42. Fridays at 5pm.
43. Seeing growth in others.
44. Anyime I here the song "Sweet Home Alabama"
45. Knowing you've done your best.
46. Public Speaking- strangely enough I actually enjoy this!
47. Looking through Yearbooks.
48. My commute to work (it's on the bay)!
49. A good cheeseburger.
50. Being exactly who I am!

What you focus on you find!

While making our Chili and Cornbread last night Jenn and I watched the movie "The Secret". I had never seen it before but heard so many things about it over the past few years. The two most important things I am taking away from the movie are this:
1. What you focus on you find. Focus on the things we want, not the things we don't want. Whatever we engage our minds to think about we can make appear. Spend time an energy appreciating the positive aspects we want and have in our lives. Do not spend any energy or time thinking about troubles or bad situations as doing so only allows them to grow in our minds and lives.
2. Spend time each day focusing in on what I am grateful for. Begin to make a list or carve out time each morning/evening to do so. By doing this it helps to create more positive thinking.
3. Make a Vision Board. Figure out what it is that I want in my life and make a visual map of the end results.

I went to bed last night with this in mind. Focusing on the things I want in my life, not the things I don't want. So far two things have happened today that have made me a believer.

1. My friend Rosie at work walked into my office and asked me to send her a photo of myself as she has this guy Jason that she'd like me to meet. I've known Rosie for close to two years and she is always telling me what a wonderful person I am and how I deserve the world, but seriously TODAY is the day she lets me know she wants me to meet her son's friend. I have to think that this has something to do with the fact that I decided to focus on the type of relationship and person that I DO want in my life, instead of harping on the things that I DON'T want. Who knows if anything will come of Jason, but it's just intersting- What you focus on, you find!

2. Reaching my sales goal is something I have to do this year. Rather than thinking about how difficult it is and how many times I've heard the word "No" in the past few months I came into the office today with a different attitude. This IS possible, I CAN do this, I've done this before. I got an e-mail from a client who originally decided to cancel their 2010 events that they desperately need space. The space is available and it looks like they are going to book. That just carved $6,000 off of my annual goal. While this is only a very small percentage of my annual goal I am well aware of the fact that "dust collects."

The Key ingredient: LOVE

Tonight Jennifer and I are making homemade Chili and Cornbread for a friend who's mother passed away a few weeks ago. This is something that will be so painless for Jenn and I to do (I'm sure we will actually have fun doing it)! and I know we would whole-heartedly appreciate any act like this from a friend in a time of need. It means a lot to me that Jennifer and I both enjoy doing things like this for other people. Well that and we both love to cook! Here's to another successful KINJIN production.

You make me happy when skies are grey...

Ms. Brightside

Ken and Lou hit the trails!

I went on a hike with Laura today and we decided that we are going to do that together once a month. Each month we'll choose a new hike in San Diego... sounds like it's going to be fun adventures with Lou! Today we went to Black Mountain in Poway. It was about a 5 mile hike and honestly it was one of the most beautiful days I've ever seen! Once we got to the summit we could see all of San Diego; clear from Downtown to Carlsbad, Rancho Santa Fe to the Ocean. It was a beautiful way to spend the morning and I'm definitely looking forward to our next hiking adventure. Loved spending time with Laura also!

What are you saving up for?

Plastic Surgery? To Quit your Job? A Rich Husband? Allow these vintage "piggy banks" to do the talking for you. They are a great gift for that really hard to shop for friend, or pick one up for yourself as a constant reminder for what you are saving up for. Available at Francesca's Boutiques and online stores as well.

For what it's worth...

"For what it’s worth, it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit… start whenever you want… you can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that stop you. I hope you feel things that you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
-Benjamin Button

Kacey K Jewelry

I love this jewelry. The clean lines paired with simple designs make for timeless pieces. I particularly love the cut-out monogram items. Anyone who knows me remotely well knows that I have an affinity for stamping my initials on pretty much everything. Check out the collections at www.kaceyk.com.

J'adore Christian Louboutin

If I had I endless funds I would buy every single pair of Christian Louboutin heels ever made. Unfortunately that is not the case but at least I can admire their beauty from afar. Always sleek and stylish they compliment any outfit, but perhaps the best part of these shoes are the way the scream "look at my shoes" without having to say a word.

So tell me this...

While I'm still not exactly sure of the answer to that question, I can at least say this... I want to live my life to the fullest. Not to sound too cliche but I want to live so that I laugh until I cry, love like I've never been hurt and dance like nobody is watching. Do something great, be real and become the person I know I can be. Have friends that count on me and trust me and know that I would do anything for them. I want my family to know how much I love them without having to tell them everyday. When I have children I want to be the example to them that my parents were to me. I want to make a change in the world, even if it takes one step at a time. I want to live without regrets and understand that things happen for a reason and often times we cannot control situations. I want to see the good in others, even when it seems impossible. So the answer to this age old question for me is really just that- I want to LIVE this life.

I'm moving...

... moving on that is.
Because it is finally time and it just feels right.

It's time to pick up the pieces once and for all and move on. Heartbreak is something that is not easy to get over, but there comes a time in every relationship when you realize that it is time to let go. It's not giving up, or taking the easy way out, it is understanding that certain situations just cannot be. As humans we invest so much of our time and our thoughts into our romantic relationships that when they finally come to an end we feel a void and the natural reaction is just to want to fill that void again. This time I realize that the most important person for me to concentrate on at this point is ME! I am lucky to have found people to love, and I am lucky that I have lost these people as well, because ultimately they have made me into the person I am today and have helped me better prepare myself for the person I am meant to be with. Many do not believe that things happen for a reason, or that people are brought into our lives (and taken out) for reasons as well, but I most certainly do. In loving and losing I have learned so much about myself and others and I have learned that although we do not always get exactly what we want, we will always get exactly what we need.

My Top 10 for 2010

Top 10 things I want to accomplish in 2010:
1. Run 1,000 miles.
2. Run 2010 San Diego Rock 'n Roll Marathon and beat 2009 time.
3. Hit Sales Goal at work.
4. Move closer to the Beach.
5. Take a VACATION!
6. Call Aunt Kathy more often.
7. Don't settle for anything less than I deserve.
8. Do a Sprint Triathalon.
9. Update my Blog at least once per week.
10. Learn to love my body (because I have no reason not to).

Time for a Girl's Night!

I had so much fun hosting a Girl's Night at my house last July that I've decided to do it again! What more could you ask for than good friends and good food at the same time? It makes me so happy to know so many successful and well-rounded women in San Diego. I am truly blessed to have the support and friendship of these dynamic ladies. Here's to 2010 being OUR year! Now, let's get to celebrating!

My Best Friend's Wedding

...and I'm not talking about the movie! Check out Megahn's wedding site at http://weddings.theknot.com/pwp/pwp2/view/MemberPage.aspx?coupleId=9727952561254634. This brings a tear to my eye. I can't believe my Megsters is getting married!! So happy for her and Seth and completely honored to be her Maid of Honor (although it's kind of a "Duh" between us).
The wedding date is 5/21/11. She is going to be the most beautiful bride and I can't wait to hold her hand every step of the way. Congrats to my best friend/sister!
Ps. We know that we are not really sisters, but it's just fun to call each other that, plus if Facebook says she is my sibling, then it must be for real!

Live in the moment...

This is one of the hardest things to do. I have always felt like I am anticipating something or waiting for something to happen. Often times I hear myself saying- "I can't wait for ____." It is truly something I would like to work on; living fully in THIS moment. After all the past is in the past and the future may never come.

Cards with Character

I am somewhat of a card freak. I love to send them to people for birthdays or just for fun. I often find myself at Target for hours searching for the PERFECT card. I was recently cleaning out e-mails and stumbled upon a link to this site. I ended up buying a bunch to keep on stock for those hard to shop for friends. Have a look for yourself! www.thekiwitree.com