The Prosperity of Mystery

Here it is- my blogging debut. The way I see it, if my mom can do it, anyone can. I just hope she doesn't have a myspace or facebook page. That would be utterly devastating.

Not that anyone will think that what I have to say is so outrageously fabulous, but I think I just like the idea of sitting in my cozy little room (which btw has just been redone) at my cozy little desk typing away. I guess you could say it is the "Carrie" in me.

So to get to the point of the title- tonight after a VERY long day. And by long day I mean that my alarm went off at 4:23, I was at the gym by 6am, at work by at 8, and at a work function by 5:30 pm. Which is what brings me to the reason for the title of the blog entry.

Here is where the day gets good. So this is my first "Keep it Downtown" meeting since starting at the Convention Center. I don't mind going to things after work, since I don't have to all the time and since I totally love my job. We have some great wine and absolutely delicious food. I even met some great contacts and sat next to a few very fun girls.

This is exactly where it starts to get interesting. There is a boyishly handsome man who is the Sommelier at Flemings- and he becomes the object of our table's affection.

As fate would know it we did chat with him and it turns out one of the gals that was sitting at our table knew him, but I knew that I needed to run home (for no apparent reason as it seems now). So I left my card with one of the girls at the table to hopefully give it to this mysterious "Casey".

I am not really sure why this would be exciting at all. I guess I just have this innate hope that someday, in some ridiculous story like this I'll meet a nice guy in San Diego, not just another drunk jackass at the bar.

So since my day began at 4:30 am and it will again tomorrow I will need to get going now. But this is definitely one of my favorite things. Mysterious good looking men. The ones that are still full of prospect- even though they all turn out to either have a girlfriend/wife, are gay or are a jerk. The few serene moments before that are so enjoyable. What's not to love?

Until the next one. KLD

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