She's the sister I never had...

The final addition to the "Dwyer Girls" Ms. Lindsay Rhea
Growing up I always wanted a sister but I got stuck with just my brother (I can't even say that half seriously since he is my BEST FRIEND). While Lindsay and I may have had a few "sisterly quarrels" over the years, I truly feel completely blessed to have her in our family. She makes my brother happy and she does a darn good job of taking care of him, even when he's being a little pill! My favorite thing about Lindsay is that she is always doing something crafty or creative for other people. Whether it's making a "coffee coozie" or planning a bridal shower, she gives everything her all and makes it look easy. She's also a fellow Sun Devil, so it made it extra easy to love her. I can't wait for them to start having kids, because I know that Lindsay will be an amazing mother. JD and Lindsay have been married for almost 4 years and I've never been happier for them. We're so lucky to have you Linds!! Love you always & forever- Ken

1 comment:

  1. Well, you don't know me, but I surfed in here blindly, after surfing into (your Dad?) Mike Dwyer's facebook page. I went and graduated from high school with him (CDO '73). Now...I've tried to go back to his site...but I don't have the option to go back one page....there isn't a back arrow. Hmmmm. And I've tried minimizing your page...but this isn't getting it done, either. Oh well...maybe it's time to go watch tv!!??? At any rate, you sure are a pretty gal, and I'm sure your Dad is very very proud of you. BTW> your Mom a CDO gal too? Please tell your Dad hi from Joel. My email is Thanks! Joel Ewing
