Following my Passion...

Over the last several weeks I've been on what I will call a "soal-searching" mission. I'm focusing more on the things in my life that bring me happiness and that I love to do, and less on the things that make me feel down or anxious, or guilty, or lost, etc. It's been great for my mood, which has ultimately positively affected the people that surround me as well.

I was out to happy hour a few nights ago with some Junior League friends (friends that I hadn't seen in WAY too long), and we got on the subject of writing. Kathleen knows I have a passion for this and suggested that we either take a class or join a writing group together. I loved the idea and am looking into options now. I'm so excited to start getting more involved in my writing and hopefully get better at it and feel more confident about it along the way. Fabulous idea and can't wait to get started!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kendra- I have the same passion, and I used to take creative writing classes (as many as I could) at Mesa college during the year between my BA and MA. It's cheap and a really fun way to keep the writing coming steadily. If you're not into creative writing, you should look into a class on journalism or something.

    <3 Addi
