Make or break...

While cleaning out some paperwork tonight I found a "short" list of 131 attributes that would make up my ideal man if I had a magic wand. Don't judge me I had a 4 hour flight from Nebraska to put this together. I wrote this list ironically exactly one year ago today on the way home from Jason and Angela's wedding. Prompting this list was an absolutely amazing weekend spent with many of my favorite guy friends. My brother, Jason & Justin, Jeff, Phil, Toddy and Marky... these are the men that have protected me my entire life. I remember them asking about my current dating situation, and all they had to say was "You deserve the world, don't settle for anything less." So thanks boys for helping me to create this list. Jennifer helped me refine it to the Top 20 make or breaks... This is what I'll focus on for now, these are the things that mean the most to me in a partner.

Kendra's Top 20: 
1. Would do anything to make me smile.  
2. Allows me to be myself and appreciates who I am. 
3. Thinks I am beautiful and not hot. 
4. Has aspirations to succeed in life and a plan on how to get there. 
5. Enjoys dressing up for theme parties and isn't afraid to "match" with me. 
6. Knows when I need support and wants to provide it. 
7. Thinks I make him a better man. 
8. Makes me a better woman.
9. Impressed by ME; my struggles, my accomplishments, my goals. 
10. Able to admit when he's wrong. 
11. Has boys night with his buddies and encourages me to have girls night with my friends. 
12. Tells people how he feels about me, but keeps the details of our relationship between us. 
13. Enjoys his job and does what it takes to do well at it. 
14. Wants to provide for and protect his family. 
15. Is okay with me being a "planner".
16. Appreciates my body exactly the way it is.
17. Is friendly to people in his every day life; at the grocery store, at a restaurant etc. 
18. Respects his exes for what they've taught him. 
19. Exercises at least 3 times per week. 
20. Considers his family the most important thing in his life. 

We know he's out there.... 

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny about your flight! I love your list! He is out there :)
