
Alexandra and I have been trying to hang out for the last few weeks and unfortunately with our busy lives it just hasn't been working out in our favor... but we finally made it happen tonight. We went to yoga and had dinner afterwards and it was such a nice evening. It's so nice to know there are friends that would do anything for me and that obviously the feeling is mutual! We've both been able to be there for each other through our ups and downs and tonight was one of those nights where we were able to be grateful for our friendship and just enjoy each other's company.

I can't believe that tonight was the first time I made it to yoga in almost three months... and the feeling of walking into a yoga studio and rolling out the mat, is very similar to getting together with a good friend. You can't help but to walk away feeling fulfilled and rejuvenated. But perhaps the best part about yoga is that every time you step into the studio you should and can expect to get that feeling from a class, and similarly you should be able to expect the same good feeling after any encounter with a dear friend. 

Tonight is one of those nights that I'm feeling fulfilled and happy, and I'm learning to relish in these and enjoy them to the fullest. So thank you Ms. Alexandra and Yoga for bringing this feeling to fruition on a Monday! :)

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