Everything has changed... and it is all perfectly un-perfect!

There have been some fairly significant changes that have occurred in my life over the last few months and after the dust has settled a bit I am starting to realize how wonderfully exciting this time in my life truly is right now.

For starters, I'm in a job that I absolutely love and feel great about. It's a great thing to wake up everyday and actually ENJOY what I get to go out into the world and do, and getting paid to do it is a fabulous bonus. As a very career driven individual my job is certainly a big part of my life, and it's not that I've never enjoyed my jobs in the past, but I truly feel like what I'm doing now is a good fit for my personality and it's nice to have the freedom and autonomy to know what I need to do each day and the desire to motivate myself to do it!

Another move took place too! I realize that actions speak louder than words, and contrary to what you might think, I don't actually enjoy moving, but this time it was definitely in a great direction and if anything it's nice to know that Above All Movers can count on me as an annual source of revenue! The new pad is in the heart of downtown and has all the things I didn't have in my last apartment like a washer/dryer, dishwasher and, PARKING! Sort of feel like it's my first "big girl apartment." A great roommate named Randi was added into the mix as well and it's been so nice to have a such a positive person added to my daily life, she's a keeper! Our location could not be more clutch; we are within walking distance to pretty much everything downtown and only a short run away from my beloved stairs at the Convention Center! Although I'll always love my shoebox in Banker's Hill, home sweet home is definitely a little sweeter these days.

Any of you who know me at all know that Matt was a big part of my life for the last 3 years, but a few months back we decided to end our relationship. Obviously the decision to end love is not an easy one and I'd be lying through my teeth if I said this has been an easy situation to deal with. However, in the midst of the pain of a broken heart a beautiful thing has come about, I've realized what an amazing opportunity this has given me to grow as a person and be grateful for how that relationship shaped me and taught me more about myself than I actually ever really wanted to know, haha! There is no doubt in  my mind that when the time is right love will be brought back into my life, and this time I'll be equipped with the lessons I've learned and a better understanding of who I am. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy this time as a blessing in order to better myself!

One thing that's really helped to ground all these changes and keep my perspective in line is that I've been going to church every Sunday. Yes, I was raised Catholic, but for the last few years while Mass brought a feeling of peace to me, the message never really resonated with me, so I've been going to a non-denominational church called Flood which I absolutely LOVE. A good friend Laura introduced me to it years ago, but I only started going regularly recently and I've made the decision that this is the place for me. It feels good to be going regularly and I am really enjoying the new environment, the positive messages, and people that I've received through it. It is opening my heart in many ways and there is no doubt in my mind that Grace and Faith have been the pillars of what is carrying me through all these changes!

I got an e-mail the other day from someone who let me know that she reads my blog because she feels it is uplifting and she looks to it as a place of positivity in her life. This really touched me because there is nothing in my life that has been anything close to perfect over the last few months, but if someone can still find my thoughts a source of positivity that makes me really happy! Many things are easier said than done and I struggle on a daily basis with understanding why I'm put into certain situations, the feeling of being overwhelmed and trying to stay positive when sometimes I just don't want to! But if I can give any advice to someone who may be going through a lot of changes/shifts/challenges in their life, which we all are, it would be to just take a deep breath, smile and know that the only way you can get through a tough time is one day at a time. Be present in what you are going through even if it's painful. There's nothing that you can't get through, or you wouldn't have been put in the situation in the first place, so when something seems too tough to handle take it as a compliment to yourself, because you CAN and WILL get through it! :)

It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.
— C.S. Lewis

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