Bye Bye Frizz, Hello Confidence.

I have a love-hate relationship with my curly, thick and wild hair. If I don't do something with it I don't feel "pulled together", but "doing something with my hair" means spending a good 30+ minutes in the morning on it, which I usually don't want to commit to. For the last 4 or 5 summers I've been doing Brazilian Blowouts since it cuts my styling time into about half by eliminating the majority of the frizz (which usually tends to be worse in the summer anyways). I spent yesterday having this done to my hair with Randi at Style Lounge, and I couldn't be happier with the way my hair is looking, which in turns allows me to feel more confident- I find that it's hard to have a bad day when I'm having a good hair day, (if I am sounding shallow please remember all the community service projects I've spearheaded in my life). I think Iris Apfel said it best when she said: "If your hair is done properly and you have on good shoes, you can get away with just about anything." Amen sister!

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