Power Song: If you dont' have one, get one!

If you were the keynote speaker at a large convention what would you want playing as you walk up to the podium? If you were a professional baseball player what would the crowd be singing along to as you stepped up to the plate? You may have a few... I know I do, but if I had to pick just one it would be Jessie J's "Domino." While this particular song or genre doesn't really reflect the type of music I listen to on a regular basis, it most certainly creates a knee jerk reaction in me to turn up the dial. I have some great memories listening to this song. When Lisa and I used to attend Barre regularly it would come on about 47 minutes into our hour long class, I used to bounce around my studio in Banker's Hill to it on replay just to make a certain someone laugh, it started a SERIOUS dance party at Kylie's Bachelorette Party in Sonoma last summer, and EVERY time I hear it, I mean EVERY time I can't help but sing along and feel just a little bit lighter. When I give my first keynote speech you bet your bottom dollar everyone in the crowd will be out of their seats bouncing around with me as I step on stage. What's your power song? I encourage you to find one, own it, and listen to it often. Turn it up, dance around and think of all the things you want to accomplish today while you sing along.

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