A Dwyer Family Vacation

I've been very lucky throughout my life to have been on some really amazing vacations with my family, and of course there are those that stick out more than others as favorites (particularly our two week stint to St. John in the US Virgin Islands...aaahhhhh). But this past weekend we went to Sedona as a family and had a great time. The only thing missing was my Dad, he wasn't feeling well so had to stay home (I don't think I've ever seen him this sick in my entire life). Although I was bummed not to have my Papa Bear there with us (since he does make up 50% of the Can-Do Crew). We managed to have fun without him. We went on a family (and by Family I mean the Dwyers and the Roeders) kayaking/wine tasting trip, yep that's right, leave it to us to incorporate drinking into anything- even a Kayak ride. We had great dinners, relaxed by the pool and just had some great family time. I love weekends like that because it reminds me how incredibly lucky I am to have such an amazing relationship with my family. I guess I've never known anything different so I don't have anything to compare it to, but it's just such a great feeling to have people that always love me and know that we have such a wonderful time with each other. Couldn't ask for anything more....

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