"Stuck in the Middle with You"

As many of you know I love to write. I have been thinking about writing a book for women who are in similar situations as I have found myself in over the years! Here is a sneak peak at the Prelude to my book which I intend to entitle "Stuck in the Middle with You: A"Single" Girl's Guide to a Rock and a Hard Place.

Every love story has a few commonalities; there is normally a beginning, middle and an end. For most Love Stories the beginning is normally made up of all rainbows and butterflies. It starts something along the lines of “Boy meets girl, falls in love and sweeps girl off her feet.” (or at least that’s what many women ultimately hope for).

Then comes the “middle”, and just as any middle child knows this is the part that may not always be the most fun, but it’s certainly the most important. This is the part that makes or breaks any relationship; it’s not new anymore but you’re still not to the comfort level of knowing that this person is yours forever. The middle usually presents some level of turmoil which the main characters of any love store either a) get through which then leads to an ending of happily ever after or b) they break up, which then leads to the end (period).

Many of us however are not this lucky in our own love stories. And while everything seems to be perfectly clear on the big screen, sometimes in real life the beginning isn’t so clear, nor is the middle, and sometimes it’s the end that gets us really confused.

For the past year and a half I have been writing my own love story, or at least another volume in the love stories of my life. It has not been an easy one to follow, for me, for him, or for any of our family or friends for that matter. In this book you’ll be given the chance to associate with an all too common "underdog" (yours truly). The girl who met who she thought was “the one”, but was placed by him into the “I do love you but I’m not ready to commit to you” category. Please follow me on my journey though the past year and a half of my life as I reflect upon trying to figure out what went wrong, what went right, what I learned about love and friendship through it all and where this particular love story might be headed.

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