Just Let Go....

At church this afternoon Father Steve spoke about the importance of letting go of the things we can't control which is something that hit particularly close to home for me, as I've been hanging on to a certain situation for far too long at this point and I really need to just let it go. It made me think of a story that I heard a few years back about a Monkey with his hand stuck in a coconut. 
As all fables do this is a story with a hidden message.  Basically a long time ago in a far off land Villagers decided that they wanted to catch monkeys. So one ingenious person thought of cutting a hole in a coconut and stuffing peanuts in it. The hole was just big enough so that a monkey could fit their hand in it, but small enough so that when the monkey's fist was clinched it could not fit through.
Sure enough the monkey came to the coconut, smelled the peanuts and stuck his hand in the hole. When the monkey hunters saw this they would be able to catch the monkey because the monkey wouldn't want to let go of the peanuts so he was stuck, and then ultimately captured. What the monkey didn't realize is that if he would just release the peanuts from his hand he'd be able to get free from the situation. 
So today I realized that I'm that monkey. I've been holding onto something that I don't want to let go of,  and the longer I have a clinched fist the longer I am prohibiting myself from knowing what else is out there for me. I need to trust in the fact that God has a plan for my life and it involves something even better than what has been holding me back. And in the end the reward will likely be that I'll still be rewarded with peanuts, maybe even the honey roasted kind this time around!

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