Be Yourself.

While visiting Megahn in Dallas we attended Sunday morning service at the Church where her and Seth will be married. The Reverend’s sermon was interesting in that it’s something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. The title of the sermon was “Be Yourself”. He spoke of learning what it is you really are, and what you are really good at and honing in on those qualities rather than looking at qualities and things that other people have and attempting to be more like them. It made me think of the quote “It’s better to be a first rate version of yourself rather than a second rate version of somebody else.” It also reiterates many of the ideas in one of my favorite books of all time “The Four Agreements.” Here is a passage from the book that upholds that very same idea:

"We have to be what we are, so we don’t have to present a false image. If you love me the way I am, ”Okay take me.” If you don’t love me the way I am, “Okay, bye bye. Find someone else.” It may seem harsh but this kind of communication means the personal agreements we make with others are clear and impeccable."

This is so true. I think so many people get caught up in what others think about them that they are constantly trying to be something other than what they really are. If we have the ability to accept and love ourselves just the way that we are, we will be able to do that for others and they will be able to do that for us as well.