50 things that make me Smile.. and might make you smile too!

1. Little kids in glasses.
2. Getting a letter in the mail.
3. Waking up before the alarm goes off.
4. A wink from across the room.
5. When you realize you've achieved a goal.
6. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
8. Men in Uniform.
9. Puppy breath.
10. Walking into Mass on Sundays.
11. Anything my adorable mother does.
12. Eegee's Frech Fries... yum.
13. They way HOME always stays the same, no matter how much it changes.
14. The subjects of Megahn's e-mails.
15. Closing a big deal at work, or a small deal for that matter.
16. Hitting all the green lights on the way to work.
17. Watching the sunset or rise- I'll take either one.
18. Knowing you've done something good for another person.
19. Being DONE with a run.
20. Finding the card that's just right for the situation.
21. The minute you find out you really KNOW someone.
22. Surprises- big or small.
23. Listening to Pandora at work.
24. Getting pictures developed.
25. Laughing so hard your stomach hurts.
26. Realizing someone looks up to you.
27. Anything that comes in a little blue box.
28. Holding a baby.
29. Pay-Day! The real kind and the candy.
30. Going to the beach so often that I can't keep the sand out of my car.
31. Finding the positive side of any situation.
32. A kiss on the forehead.
33. Freshly painted nails.
34. Finishing a good book.
35. A good quote.
36. When someone exceeds your expectations of them.
37. The fact that pretty much all of my "baby" cousins are taller than me.
38. Hearing "Welcome to Tucson" over the PA system on the plane.
39. Finding money from last winter in a coat pocket.
40. Stationary.
41. Coming home from a trip to a clean house.
42. Fridays at 5pm.
43. Seeing growth in others.
44. Anyime I here the song "Sweet Home Alabama"
45. Knowing you've done your best.
46. Public Speaking- strangely enough I actually enjoy this!
47. Looking through Yearbooks.
48. My commute to work (it's on the bay)!
49. A good cheeseburger.
50. Being exactly who I am!