10 Steps to Happiness (literally proven by SCIENCE)

Someone way smarter than me (a scientist) recently came up with 10 things that are proven to make people live happier and more fulfilled lives. These are all things that I live by so looks like I'm on the right track. Check out the article and your 10 surefire steps to bliss!
View Article here: http://www.yesmagazine.org/pdf/48/Happiness_Poster11x17.pdf

1. Savor "Every Day" Moments
2. Have an Attitude of Gratitude
3. Avoid Comparisons
4. Make Friends & Treasure Family
5. Take Initiative at Work
6. Put Money low on the list
7. Give, Donate, Volunteer, Help
8. Set Meaningful Goals
9. Get Out and Exercise
10. Smile even if you aren't in the mood