I'm moving...

... moving on that is.
Because it is finally time and it just feels right.

It's time to pick up the pieces once and for all and move on. Heartbreak is something that is not easy to get over, but there comes a time in every relationship when you realize that it is time to let go. It's not giving up, or taking the easy way out, it is understanding that certain situations just cannot be. As humans we invest so much of our time and our thoughts into our romantic relationships that when they finally come to an end we feel a void and the natural reaction is just to want to fill that void again. This time I realize that the most important person for me to concentrate on at this point is ME! I am lucky to have found people to love, and I am lucky that I have lost these people as well, because ultimately they have made me into the person I am today and have helped me better prepare myself for the person I am meant to be with. Many do not believe that things happen for a reason, or that people are brought into our lives (and taken out) for reasons as well, but I most certainly do. In loving and losing I have learned so much about myself and others and I have learned that although we do not always get exactly what we want, we will always get exactly what we need.

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