Adventures of Kensters & Megsters

Normally I loathe packing but I suppose it is not so bad since I am packing to go visit Megsters in Dallas! So excited to spend 4 whole days with my best friend/sister/BTB. My biggest dilemma right now is which shoes and scarves to bring. Apparently it has been really cold in Dallas- and this San Diego girl is a little nervous about that. It's a good thing I like jackets! The weekend will be full of wedding dress/MOH dress shopping, Chips & Salsa, Mambo Taxis, Mani/Pedis, Pillow Talk, Runs with Frank Dog, our silly language that only we understand, sending Seth funny late night texts, reminiscing on good times, "Megahn Moments", checking our feet twice to make sure our "love marks" are still there, listening to good music, dancing the night away, sushi, late night quesadillas and carrots, and who knows what else. It's going to be a great weekend!