What you focus on you find!

While making our Chili and Cornbread last night Jenn and I watched the movie "The Secret". I had never seen it before but heard so many things about it over the past few years. The two most important things I am taking away from the movie are this:
1. What you focus on you find. Focus on the things we want, not the things we don't want. Whatever we engage our minds to think about we can make appear. Spend time an energy appreciating the positive aspects we want and have in our lives. Do not spend any energy or time thinking about troubles or bad situations as doing so only allows them to grow in our minds and lives.
2. Spend time each day focusing in on what I am grateful for. Begin to make a list or carve out time each morning/evening to do so. By doing this it helps to create more positive thinking.
3. Make a Vision Board. Figure out what it is that I want in my life and make a visual map of the end results.

I went to bed last night with this in mind. Focusing on the things I want in my life, not the things I don't want. So far two things have happened today that have made me a believer.

1. My friend Rosie at work walked into my office and asked me to send her a photo of myself as she has this guy Jason that she'd like me to meet. I've known Rosie for close to two years and she is always telling me what a wonderful person I am and how I deserve the world, but seriously TODAY is the day she lets me know she wants me to meet her son's friend. I have to think that this has something to do with the fact that I decided to focus on the type of relationship and person that I DO want in my life, instead of harping on the things that I DON'T want. Who knows if anything will come of Jason, but it's just intersting- What you focus on, you find!

2. Reaching my sales goal is something I have to do this year. Rather than thinking about how difficult it is and how many times I've heard the word "No" in the past few months I came into the office today with a different attitude. This IS possible, I CAN do this, I've done this before. I got an e-mail from a client who originally decided to cancel their 2010 events that they desperately need space. The space is available and it looks like they are going to book. That just carved $6,000 off of my annual goal. While this is only a very small percentage of my annual goal I am well aware of the fact that "dust collects."